Dublin: 12 °C Monday 3 March, 2025

Fear not: the hazelnut shortage will NOT affect Ferrero Rocher supply this Christmas

Contrary to recent news reports.

TODAY, THE INTERNET is full of reports that a world hazelnut shortage is threatening the supply of Ferrero Rocher this Christmas.

Outlets such as The Daily Mail and The Sun have reported that adverse weather conditions in Turkey have affected hazelnut production meaning that Ferrero Rocher production could be affected.

dailymail Source: Daily Mail

wsj Source: Wall Street Journal

thesun Source: The Sun

People immediately went into panic mode.

People were rightfully devastated. After all, what is Christmas without Ferrero Rocher?

Is it true? Not really.

Poor weather conditions in Turkey, which produces 70% of the world’s hazelnuts, have meant that there is a shortage this year. Additionally, prices have increased by more than 60%.

Ferrero, the company that manufactures Ferrero Rocher and Nutella, is the world’s largest buyer of hazelnuts and purchases between 20-25% of the annual crop.

Contrary to today’s reporting, however, the company assured The Wall Street Journal that the shortage will not hinder production of Nutella or Ferrero Rocher, saying it is “accustomed to volatility in the raw-materials market”.

You know what that means?


Ferrero_Rocher Source: france-export-fv


This will be you at this year’s Christmas party:

AUV0dLL Source: YouTube


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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